What are the different types of placements on offer at University of Nottingham?

Placement year / Year in industry

The majority of undergraduate degree programmes offer students the opportunity to complete a Placement Year with an industry partner. Students can join the University on a degree programme where this is already featured or they can add in a Placement Year once they have commenced studies. The central Careers and Employability Service and specialist Placement Teams in Academic Departments provide in-depth support to students to assist them in securing opportunities and making the most of the Placement Year experience. Over 500 students per year undertake a Placement Year with organisations across the UK and Internationally.

  • Optional Placement Year
  • Engineering
  • Nottingham University Business School
  • Biosciences
  • Computer Science

Other Academic Departments that offer degree programmes with a Placement Year include (but are not limited to): Pharmaceutical Science, Chemistry, Maths, Cancer Science and Neuroscience.

Clinical/Practice placements

A wide range of degree programmes at the University of Nottingham offer placement opportunities that lead to a licence to practice. Examples include:

  • Clinical Placements in the School of Medicine
  •  Practice Placements in the School of Health Sciences 
  • Veterinary Medicine Placements and Placements in the School of Pharmacy

Other areas where placements are a fully integrated element of the degree programme include:

  • School of Education and the MA Social Work
  • BA Social Work degree in the School of Sociology and Social Policy.

In all of the above examples, students will be supported by specialist teams across the University to access and undertake placements during their degree programme with a wide range of established partners and placement hosts.

Shorter term placements, internships and work experience

Students also have the opportunity to access a wide range of shorter-term placement, internship and work experience initiatives managed by the University whilst at Nottingham.

These opportunities can form part of an accredited academic module, they can be optional and recognised by the University’s Nottingham Advantage Award or they can be an extra-curricular experience.

Examples of Placements that can form part of an accredited academic module can be found in the Faculty of Social Sciences Schools of:

  • Nottingham University Business School – (Accountancy placements partnership with PwC)
  • Politics & International Relations (Placements module)
  • Law (Law in Practice module) and Human rights Law Centre placements
  • Education (BA Education Placement: Year or Semester long)
  • Geography (International Field work Germany/Italy/Mexico/USA and MSc Environment & Leadership- dissertation support placements)

Nottingham Advantage Award Placement Programmes provide student with 50-70 hour duration placements with established placement partner hosts from a wide variety of work sectors to suit all tastes. This can be from Hollywood Studios to Think Tanks/NGOs and Management Consultancies, Local Government to Charities and Community based third sector organisations.

Additionally, some Schools have bespoke and exclusive placement partnerships with a number of UK and international organisations – in recent years these have included Disney, The World Bank Group, Royal United Services Institute, Lloyds Bank, and Enodo Economics to name a few.

More information can be found here:

  • Faculty of Social Science Placement Programme and
  • Faculty of Arts Placement Programme.

Extra-curricular initiatives

These offer students a flexible opportunity to build their work experience alongside their studies and during vacation periods. Schemes include:

  • Nottingham Internship Scheme
  • Researcher Academy Placements Programme
  • Digital Marketing Academy
  • Nottingham Consultancy Challenge
  • Sport for Good
  • ProBono Society 
  • Volunteering and Education & Mentoring placements such as Summer School Ambassadorships, IntoUniversity & SinC school programmes and even National Union of Students Volunteering. 

These opportunities connect students from all degree disciplines and any level of study with work experience during their time at Nottingham.

Undergraduate student working on laptop in Lower Ground Floor of Portland Building